Good To Know
I found this article in the November Issue of Better Homes and Gardens. I believe we should all read this for our pets health and well being.

Many things can be found in our medicine cabinet can be used to treat pets, with this important caveat: You must consult with a vet before giving any medicine by mouth, as some drugs can be deadly to pets. "And every dosage has to be tailored to the individual animal," says Tim Ireland, a veterinarian at the Encanto  Pet Clinic in Tucson Arizona. Here are some double-duty remedies.
*ALLERGIES An antihistamine, such as Benadryl, will eliminate itching and discomfort caused from allergies bug bites, says Bonnie Beaver, president of American Veterinary Medical Association and professor of small animal medicine at Texas A & M University.
*CAR SICKNESS Dramamine can help woozy dogs, says Amy Shojai, author of The First-Aid Companion for Dogs and Cats.
*CUTS AND SCRATCHES Triple antibiotic helps swallow cuts heal faster. If it's a puncture wound, go to the vet.
*ARTHRITIS  For a short term solution , buffered aspirin can help arthritis pain in dogs. NOTE: Never give cats aspirin.
*UPSET STOMACH When you pets stomach begins rumbling after an unauthorized rumble though
the trash. The author of this story gives her pet Pepto Bismol in the tablet form.
*VOMITING AND DIARRHEA Kaopectate will coat the tract, and is a good general remedy for dog malaise..
*MY VET made a statement to me "that any medicines that are made for an infant will not harm a dog. I keep several different infant medications in my
medicine cabinet for my puppies and dogs.

Keep the following supplies handy in a lunch box or cleaning-tool tote:
Veterinarian's office and emergency phone numbers, and the 24-hour hotline of the ASPCA's National Animal Poison Control Center, 800-426-4435
Adhesive tape
Scissors or pocketknife (to cut gauze and tape)
Nonstick bandages (Telfa pads)
Towels and clean cloth
Hydrogen peroxide (three percent)
Milk of magnesia or activated charcoal (to absorb poison)
Eyedropper (for administering oral medications or eardrops)
Rectal thermometer and a lubricant, such as petroleum jelly
Styptic powder to stanch bleeding
Diphenhydramine (such as Benadryl) for antihistamine relief of insect bites or stings

Common Situations
Below are some common dog injuries, and ways you can help your pet. Keep in mind that pain or illness makes pet behavior unpredictable.

Automobile accident
Find or create a firm surface (such as a stretcher, board, mat, or even a blanket held taut). Slide it under the animal and lift gently. Keep animal warm while you take him to a vet or animal emergency clinic.

Bites and cuts
Wash with mild soap, rinse well, and pat dry with a clean towel. Gently dab with hydrogen peroxide. Apply an antibiotic salve. (For punctures or large wounds, get immediate veterinary attention.)

Apply direct pressure with a clean cloth.

A dog's distended abdomen may be a symptom of a life-threatening illness. Get to a veterinarian immediately.

Broken bones
Do not move or disturb the bone. Splint fractures with a magazine or newspapers loosely rolled around limb. Tape just above the splint, continue down the leg; do not cover toes. Do not attempt to splint a struggling animal.

Apply cool compresses. Don't immerse animals that have burns over large areas; they may go into shock. Dress small burns with sterile nonstick bandages. Do not apply ointments, butter, or petroleum jelly; they retain heat and attract infection.

Choking, coughing, or gagging
Choking may signal a tracheal obstruction or defect. Coughing is common after strenuous exercise and should subside when the pet rests. Frequent coughing may signal illness.

Eye injury
Check for obvious foreign bodies, such as a small stick or hair; flush with mild saline drops. Scratches or irritations may require medicated eyedrops or salves. Cover eye with damp gauze to prevent pet from rubbing.

Discoloration indicates freezing injury. Get pet into a warm place. Warm injured skin slowly with tepid water.

Soak overheated pet in tepid water; provide fresh drinking water. Never leave pets in cars. Provide well-ventilated outdoor shelter in hot weather.

Insect stings
A swollen muzzle or face indicates a possible sting. Apply a paste of baking soda and water, or a topical antihistamine. Respiratory difficulty signals allergic shock; get to a vet.

Three common poisons are antifreeze, rodenticide, and moldy garbage. In all cases -- even if only a suspicion -- get immediate veterinary care. Symptoms take as long as 24 to 72 hours to manifest, which may be too late for lifesaving treatment.

If it occurs more than once, or is projectile, call your vet. Never muzzle a vomiting animal; he could suffocate.


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  Some human medication can be toxic to pets no matter what the dosage given. Here are some , according to the Animal Poison Control Center of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: painkillers, cold medicines, anti-cancer drugs,antidepressants, vitamins, and diet pills. All can be potently lethal to dogs and cats. In addition, even one regular strength ibuprofen tablet can cause stomach ulcers and kidney failure in a 10 pound dog. And acetaminophen, in any dose, is almost always fatal to cats.